Book of Poems


How is Meridiano 105°’s book of poems designed?

The book of poems is designed to offer a dynamic reading that transgresses the traditional reading methods, which favor the original text more than the translations and preserve a linguistic hierarchy in which western languages are considered more relevant than those from non-western cultures. That being said, one of our aims is that Meridiano 105°’s book of poems subverts hegemonic cultural mechanisms by eliminating the traditional bilingual/multilingual reading format.

How to use the index

The chart found in the section, “Book of poems” works as an index. The titles of the poems are listed in their original language and are arranged in alphabetical order. To read a poem, click on the title. The chart also shows all the languages in which the poems are available.

The colored bullet-points indicate what the original language of the poem is, the translations that are currently available, if the poem was translated to another language by the poet and which poems are in process of being translated to other languages.

How to read the poems

Once you have selected a poem the link will take you to the corresponding reading page. You will notice that only the title of the poem appears and bellow it you will find two columns with languages (these languages are not in alphabetical order). To read the poem, click on the languages in which you want to read the poem. The two columns allow a bilingual reading. You can select any combination of languages, in whatever order you desire, and you can change that combination and order in any way and as many times as you want.

If you want to know which one is the original text all you have to do is go to the language indicated below the poet’s name. (You can also check the chart in the homepage of the “Book of poems”).

Furthermore, when you click on the poet’s name a dialog-box will appear which will give you additional information about her.

At the end of each translation you can find the name of the translator, if you click on it a dialog-box will appear containing information about the translator and her comments on the translation (this information is not always available).

Source text | Self-translation | Translation | Pending translation

Poem / LanguageCreeEnglishFrenchInnuMayaPurépechaSpanishTriquiTseltalTsotsilWixárikaZapotecZoque
A na
Le’ ayik to
So Sorry
Ta ba mukinal
Universal Soldier

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