Rosa Maqueda Vicente was born in the Valle del Mezquital, in the state of Hidalgo, Mexico. At the age of fifteen she immigrated to Mexico City where she studied a technical career after which she worked for several years in the maquilas at the Mexico-US border. She studied at the CONALEP and CemSad after which she was accepted to the bachelor’s degree in Hispanic Language and Literature at the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California. During her bachelor’s, she completed two international diploma courses, one at UNAM and the other at BUAP. Maqueda is a self-taught writer who began to learn how to write in her own language, hñähñu, while working for a book distributor. In 2017 she submitted her first essay to an international graduate congress where it was published. Since the publication of her essay, her poems have been included in two anthologies, and she has received the Ra noya ma ya ́bu do̲ni / La Palabra Antigua Florece Francisco Luna Talavera award. She participated in the XVI Festival de Literatura en el Norte, the VII Jornadas Vizcaínas at the Centro Cultura Tijuana (CECUT), the III International Congress of Literary Studies at the Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro (UAQ), the VI Encuentro Nacional de Escritores Jóvenes Jesús Gardea (ENEJ) and the Second Literary Forum from Hidalgo. Two years after her first publication, she won second place in both the XXXII Certamen de Composición Poética Orquídea de Plata Ra Donza and the Premio Nacional al Estudiante Universitario José Emilio Pacheco de Poesía. Besides writing, Maqueda gives advocacy workshops in northern border communities where she combines “study, labor, literary creation, research and community work at the same time”. She describes her poetry as testimony “through my hand and voice, not only my grandmother speaks, but also many ancestral mothers, it is a testimony of the language and the hñähñu culture” .